Sales force automation is a process in which different sales processes are automated with the help of various application tools. We can use this as a part of a CRM system or even as a function of multiple tools specifically designed to automate selective sales tasks. But keep in mind that SFA and CRM are two different things. CRM is R2 that will support sales and marketing by tracking buyer’s journey, providing customer support, and more.

Let us look at some of the sales activities that sales force automation can automate:

  • Lead prioritization
  • Scheduling appointments
  • Data entry
  • Lead nurture emails with workflows
  • Calculation of cost of acquiring new clients

Advantages of Sales Force Automation

Sales force automation has various advantages. Let us look at some of them:

  • It will help the sales team save time since this process helps lower the time spent writing emails and performing repetitive tasks. The process will help in focusing on more crucial tasks of their job.
  • Sales force automation will reduce overhead expenses by automating and streamlining repetitive tasks, saving the sales team time and money. The sales team will become more productive with the help of this automation.
  • The Sales force also records past data and constantly checks the current sales database and pipeline opportunities. It means that it will give the sales team insight into upcoming opportunities.


Salesforce automation will work by facilitating various sales starts automatically. This will be based on the company’s software settings. If you have SFA, then the sales management data would be a bunch of valuable spreadsheets. SFA will automatically help in generating visual reports. It will help your team spend less time on unnecessary work and be more productive for other crucial work that should be manually done. It means that it will give the sales team insight into upcoming opportunities.